Welcome to Liquid Mercury Solutions cloud support page. This page is available for current clients to submit new support requests and review existing cases.

You can submit / review support or admin requests here by signing in with your Microsoft 365 account (above).

You may request an invitation to access NIMBUS at any time. To receive a login, you must be a designated contact person for your company and a current client. Designated contacts are named on the service contract - usually IT or senior level staff but this may include others in certain cases.

If you don't have a login for NIMBUS, please contact us via e-mail, CloudSupport at liquidmercurysolutions.com or call us directly at 202-753-0107 to make your request.

If you aren't an existing customer but are in need of support, please contact Sales at liquidmercurysolutions.com or call us at 410-633-5959. Please be sure to let us know if you require per-incident or emergency support services.

In both cases, you can also use the friendly chat icon in the lower right corner to chat with us.

What can we help you with?

    Please sign in to open a new case or to view a list of your existing cases.